Get Involved

QuantEcon is developed by the community for the community and contributions are welcome. There are several ways you can get involved.

Join the Discourse forum

You can reach out to the QuantEcon team via the Discourse forum. The forum is a good place to ask questions, get guidance on contributing to the project, or request new lectures or library features.

QuantEcon is sponsored by NumFOCUS, a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports and promotes world-class, innovative, open source scientific software.

Through NumFOCUS, QuantEcon can receive tax-deductible donations to help support ongoing development. Your donations will go towards:

  • developing and facilitating the development of open source software for economic modeling, and
  • building open, collaborative platforms for sharing, discussing and documenting open source software

To support the QuantEcon project:

Develop and contribute code

We welcome submission of algorithms and high quality code to and QuantEcon.jl on all topics in quantitative economics.

Less experienced developers who wish to get involved can help improve documentation, work on smaller enhancements or report bugs and request features.

Write a notebook

If you’ve written code related to quantitative economics and want to share it with the community, we encourage you to submit it as a Jupyter notebook to QuantEcon Notes.

Contributing to the lectures

QuantEcon develops and supports the following lecture series for quantitative economics and datascience. Bug fixes or small updates are welcome as pull requests (PR). Some PR requirements:

  1. If possible, a PR should address just one lecture
  2. Python lectures should execute with the latest Anaconda environment. Please update and check prior to submitting your PR.

Information on contributing to the python lectures can be found here


If you’re new to open source development, here is some information to help you get started.

Contributions to the QuantEcon library should follow the standard open source pattern in regards to forking the code libraries and sending pull requests on GitHub.

Using GitHub

If you’re not familiar with GitHub workflows there are many useful tutorials available:

The following tutorial is helpful for more advanced understanding of git branching and the git model of version control:

Additional Git Resources: